Half Moon Bay, California November 2012

Sunday, April 3, 2011

For Japan with Love

We are doing what we can to support the people of Japan who are in need of... warm blankets to comfort them:
Julie and I cut the curled edges off first:

 I showed Sarah how to cut the fringes by using this handy dandy (very high tech) template (lol):
 Julie helped MG get started:
 Then the girls were off tying their knots:
 Josh had Daddy's help:
 And he was first to finish!
 MD, E, and I worked on theirs together:
 Truth  be told, this fella spent 90% of his time doing this:
 Josh thought a story would help us move along faster...
 And it worked!  Sarah asked E to join her in showing off her finished work:
 MG is almost wrapped up in hers!
 These 2 sweet brothers look very sweet... and a bit disheveled! (I did brush their hairs in the morning, mind you... whatever happens after we leave the house is their responsibilities!)
 Now, you didn't expect them to be cute and serious the entire time, did you?!
 And we quickly were given a lesson by Sarah on how to fold paper cranes... our next mission this week!
 Sarah was an excellent teacher!
 Josh is proud of his family background!  :)
 And here is what we were able to do before leaving the Asada household!
It was a fun day and we are so happy we did this project with the Asada children.

And since it was so nice when we came home.  We headed outside to do some yard work...  Well, I did some yard work and this guy... well, he found some things to do too!
It was hot... but not THAT hot!  So, in the end, after Dad took his pictures, he ran in the house to hop in the warm shower!
 Haha... rub a dub dub... MD in the tub!

1 comment:

  1. It's really great what you are doing for the people of Japan. Looks like fun too. Love the cute pics of MD in the tub!

    Happy Monday, S!
