Half Moon Bay, California November 2012

Saturday, December 3, 2011

A park play date... and some chicks!

Normally on Thursday mornings the boys and I go to the park after we drop off MG at school.  We have about 2 1/2 hours to kill before MD starts school.  I don't always go right back home because then we all get lazy (okay, mostly I get lazy) and not much gets done.  So I take them to the park, they play, we all get fresh air.. and then their friends show up for the last hour or so... Then they all play and we head to school (sometimes late when we moms start talking and forget to mind the time!)!  Then E and I have our time together.
So, the morning started off something like this....

They rode their bike and scooter to the creek... MD climbed a tree:
They dug out rocks to throw in the creek:  (his tool of choice is a stick... not a sturdy stick mind you... just a plain ole stick that was near the rock.  Fast forward and picture  a frustrated child and mom who has to help dig because said child did not want to find another stick!)

They visited the dock (and ducks!) and I prayed they wouldn't fall in:
Then an hour later, we went to the playground side and a surprise appeared with one of MD's schoolmates!
 CHICKS!!!!  So, everyone was able to take turns holding the baby chicks:
 He looks shy here... but he really isn't!  LOL  He looks so cute though, huh?!
 E loved petting the chicks but complained their claws were sharp... heeheehee.
 This is the male chick.. apparently sent with the female chicks to keep them warm!  One male chick for the 24 female chicks that were sent!  Wow, that's a big responsibility for a little guy!
 After the big chick surprise at the park, we dropped MD off at school.  Then E and i went to our regular scheduled story time.  Surprisingly, today was not supposed to be a storytime day... but the library made a mistake, printed it on the calendar and the librarian was nice enough to follow through for the few children that showed up... all 4 of them!  Hahaha!!!!  She read a few stories...
 And they sang some songs....
 That night, before going to bed the children began their first of many countdowns til Christmas!  On December 1, they revealed that there are 24 more days until Christmas... (He's holding the bag I made and the number 24 on that ribbon):
The activity?  Decorate a tree for your room... Ta da!!!!

Christmas is a great time of the year!

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more! Christmas is the best time of the year,S!
